Sunday, December 2, 2007

the lake; best experienced in december.

It's finally here! December is, by far, my favorite month of the year. Cold weather, hot chocolate, Christmas decorations [mine have been up since before Thanksgiving], the ending of this year and, at the climax, the beginning of a new one.
To "ring in" this December me and seven friends headed out bound for the city of Breckenridge, about 55 miles northeast of Abilene. Our destination; Heather's lake house. Our goal; absolutely nothing. Which was exactly what we needed. No expectations. Just a night on the lake with friends. This night turned out to be the best break I could have asked for, and, just for the record, I have the best friends I could ever ask for.
I really love you guys, so much.
I can't thank you enough for being just what I needed, just when I was beginning to feel like I didn't know where I belonged. Y'all showed me exactly where I belong. Here. At least for the time being.
So, I could sit here and go on about the stories and our little adventures [ie. Gilly disappearing for an hour. -still mad at you by the way ;)-], but there's too many to choose from, and they probably wouldn't mean anything to anyone who wasn't present. However, I will post a few photos of the night. Just a general idea of how happy you guys make me.
The last photo I'll attach is of my leap into the lake off Heather's dock; which I equate with my newly obtained outlook on life and the people in it. The water was 40 degrees, at best, and as I plummeted into it's depths I conquered my fear of the known and unknown. As well as conquering my recurring dream, or nightmare rather, of drowning. I'm tempted to talk more about my dream, but that is for another time.
This post is about life. About December. About endings. About beginnings. About
