Sunday, February 3, 2008


There are so many ways to say it. Countless definitions and connotations, and yet, in every form, it eludes me. I've come to several conclusions about this subject, the first being that I'm not entirely convinced it exists.
This first conclusions stems from an idea which Tom Collins brought up months ago. "Love is just a chemical reaction." At first glance the statement itself seems like a poorly written song lyric, but upon thinking more about this statement I've decided that I understand what he meant by it.
Twice the statement "I love you", in the romantic sense, has passed through my lips. Both times I believed I meant it. When the statement was returned, I believed it to be true. In both instances I was in a position in which hormones were in complete control of my senses, and, clearly, in control of the senses of the man to return the statement. Upon regaining my "senses", and thinking deeper into the subject, I was NOT in love, nor were they with me. My brain convinced me I was feeling something new and exciting. All I was feeling were my hormones in tumultuous discord. Needless to say, my latest idea concerning the subject seems to make sense giving these situations.
So I have to ask, if doctors can prescribe medication to cure the chemical imbalances that cause depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder or other neurological disorders, then why haven't they created a pill that could keep your brain from convincing you you're in love? I am honestly convinced that there could potentially be a pill created to restore the balance that creates the feeling of being "in love".
Once a person's hormones return to normal, you'll see that, love is just an overly embellished word we use to describe temporary insanity.
I'm not writing this to sound negative or pessimistic, I'm really not at all. I'm completely content with the idea of not ever falling in love or ever experiencing it. Of course I'm only speaking about romantic love. I love my family and my friends with as much as I can love anyone. How much that is, I couldn't tell you. But that's just fine with me.

Love is just a chemical creation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a little faith. Love does exist. I'm not naive enough to think that I've actually experienced it, but to know that someday I will is one of the things that keeps me going. I think we can all say that our hormones have gotten to the best of us at times, but now that we're grown up, we may not know what love is yet, but we do know what it isn't. I'd say that's progress.

Someday, we'll know what it's like, and we'll wonder how we lived without it. It'll hurt sometimes, but for the most part, it will be the reason we get out of bed in the morning. It's destined to happen, Brittany, even for you! Especially for you! And when it does, there will be nothing in the world you can do to stop it, not that you'd want to.

You know, you can call and talk any time you want. And I'll be there real soon. We'll kick back and talk some more. It's very much past due. I'll see you soon, beautiful!