I don't really know where to begin. It's been nearly two years since I posted an entry on this blog, which you can obviously tell from the date. I guess I'll simply be using this entry to give a short update on my life.
In December of 2008 I moved back to Houston to attend the University of Houston. I am now a Cougar. Rawr.
Esme, the kitten seen in my last post, grew up to become a beautiful cat, and had three adorable kittens: Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood. Ron and Hermione were given to loving homes, and my boyfriend, Nava, took Luna, despite reminding me consistently throughout Esme's pregnancy that we couldn't keep any of the babies (he's a total pushover when it comes to kittens). We renamed Luna (Nava insisted he didn't want any pets named after movie/book characters) and she is now our 6 month old Little Bear.
Oh, and there's my boyfriend, I didn't have him where I left off on the blog. A little over a year ago I decided that Justin Nava needed to be my boyfriend. Sounds ridiculous, and it was, but that's how it happened. Coincidentally, Nava didn't want to be my boyfriend, which was rather problematic. However, one night I stormed over to his house and demanded he date me, and that, ladies and gents, is how our relationship began. Despite the rocky beginning, things have been pretty wonderful, and Nava is pretty much amazing. I'll leave off on that note, so I don't start getting all sappy and annoying. 
Behold: The Happy Brittany
In other news, I've moved out of my parents' home in Katy, Texas, to be closer to school. My new roommates are Michael Pushkin, aka "Push," and his adorable dog, Dr. Scientist, aka "Monster."

Push and Monster
They're pretty awesome roommates, I must say, and they certainly add a little excitement to my life.
So, all-in-all, things are going well. Hopefully I'll be able to spend more time blogging now, or at least I'll remember to update more regularly. Until next time, blogging world, and many happy returns.
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