Friday, November 2, 2007

Congratulations, Theo.. I'm an idiot.

I like to consider myself very open-minded and unprejudiced. Well, today, Theo proved me wrong.
In the midst of a conversation about how we both enjoy meeting persons of the opposite sex whom are intelligent as, or more than, us, Theo threw in an anecdote about a riddle which a college professor had once asked during class.
A man and his son went out for a drive one afternoon. They got involved in a serious wreck. Two ambulances came. The father was taken to one hospital. The son taken to another. When the son was brought into the emergency room, the doctor looked down and said, "I can't operate on him! He's my son!!"
How is this possible?
My first response was, "It's his step-son."
My second [and a bit more creative] was, "One of the father's is a transexual."
obviously wrong.
I sat, annoyed and brooding, about the answer to this question, having no idea that I was currently proving that I am sexist.
The doctor was his mother.

The thought never even crossed my mind. Why doesn't it enter our thoughts that the doctor could potentially be a woman? I guess I lied; I'm sexist. But aren't we all?
Congratulations, Theo my dear, you've successfully made me feel like an imbecile. Though I do appreciate you opening the door to my mind a half inch wider.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You may be many things....but an are not! You simply amaze me! Keep writing..... :)