Saturday, November 17, 2007

[in]Decision 2008.

This is certainly a poor time to be a Republican; no matter, I remain by my fellow elephants.
I'm currently uncommitted to any particular candidate. My indecisiveness of course extends from the country's lack of support of the Republican party; but my fierce unrelenting Republican support stems from the fact that I refuse to accept the idea of a power-hungry bitch or a black supremacist as my next president. Yes, this is certainly a somber time for my party.

Anyway, I didn't write this to criticize the Democratic party or it's candidates. I just want to share a video of Mike Huckabee, which finally gave me some hope that there are some politicians [or at least one] who doesn't'/don't avoid the issue of God. The following video concerns evolution; I applaud you, Mike Huckabee:


Anonymous said...

I'm not gonna lie... I'm pretty pissed at my party right now. I like Obama and all, but Hilary scares the crap out of me, and I know she's going to get it. I'm losing all hope.

And I'm glad you like Huckabee. I'd totally go right for him. I might be an in-the-closet conservative, I dunno.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree....the thought of H Clinton in office is a scarey one...and of Obama....even more frightening. There is nothing more dangerous than power in the hands of someone who doesn't know their own limitations...and from what I've seen...he seems to think his lack of experience and knowledge is an asset!! It is refreshing to listen to Huckabee. I applaud anyone who stands up for his/her beliefs regardless of the audience.