Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Emotion is Dead, Pt. 1

Before anyone can criticize; yes, I realize this entry title is completely unoriginal. It just happens to be the song I'm listening to, from the album Emotion is Dead by The Juliana Theory**. Which is, if I might be so bold as to say [and i will be, because this is my blog], an extremely ironic title for an album/song from a band whose music stems from raw emotion. In fact mentioning the band The Juliana Theory in conversation immediately sends up a red,, emo flag. No, I don't use the term "emo" negatively, in fact I don't quite understand where it has received such a negative connotation. If we could really sit down and decide was "emo" is, exactly, the word is EMOTIONAL. Now, I'm not sure if you've noticed [and since you're reading this, you probably have] I'm quite an emotional person.
Does this make me emo?
My favorite color is black.
Does this make me emo?
I cry. [yes, that is normal.]
Does this make me emo?
I'd like for anyone who reads this to go listen to the song Emotion is Dead, Pt. 1 by The Juliana Theory. Even if you completely despise alternative music and would rather slit your wrists than listen to anything stemming from emotion, just give it a listen. Listen, and then and only then, if you can tell me that you believe these musicians have absolutely no talent for musical transcription and composition, I will respect your discountenance.
I believe this is one of the most beautifully written, and disregarded, songs I've ever heard.

Enough about The Juliana Theory.
I really don't have anything specific to talk about tonight; which is perhaps why I just went off on one of my usual rants regarding TJT. I just felt the need to let off some steam via the internet blog-o-sphere. It's slightly pathetic, is it not? That we have to vent our thoughts and emotions through the internet? I can offer two predominant reasons as to why I spend more time ranting on the internet than speaking, face to face, about my beliefs.
A. Most of my friends find my interests and ideas too complex. It is very rare that I meet someone who I truly feel like I can talk to on an intellectual level. I have a broad spectrum of ideas stemming from virtually all subjects, and I could count on one hand the number of people whom I actually find myself having intellectual conversations with on a, somewhat, regular basis.
i. my mother
ii. my grandmother
iii. my cousin; michelle
iv. tom collins
v. shaun sharma
there you have them. my intellectual [friends].
B. There are very few people who inhabit my safe-haven of person's i entrust with my raw emotion and feelings. Fewer than my list of intellectuals. In fact there are only two; my mother and my God. This doesn't leave a lot of room for me to open up to others. I'm not trying to suggest that I am going to openly display my every emotion on this blog; however, it is definitely easier for me to open up to a faceless, nameless object who does not embody the ability to judge.

Should I conclude this all now?
I. The Juliana Theory is brilliant.
II. This blog is my emotional outlet.

That's all for now.
Have a glorious evening.

[**there you go copyright enforcers. i give credit where credit is due.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are brilliant. We all have emotions....most of us are just too afraid to share them.